Sunday, September 28, 2008

Now for a list!

When I first opened Snip Snip for business I did not really plan on just making it an online sketch book. I had plans...Such as lists. Any who, here is my first list. Plan on many more...oh and some more sketches of course.

TOP 10 Comic book movies according to me. ( Number one being the greatest)

1. The Dark Night
2 Spider Man 2
3 Batman Begins
4 Hellboy 2
5 Iron Man
6 Spider Man
7 X -Men 2
8 Batman ( Tim burton's Version)
9 HellBoy
10 .... Um I thought over a ton of different possibilities but I honestly did not feel right putting any of them on here... Any Suggestions... Oh and I Veto anything to do with Superman... Invincibility= Worst hero ever...

Well There it is... I would Love to hear others favorites, or bitter complaints about which movie should have made the list.


Kenny D said...

Ridiculous to have a list without superman. you may think he is invincible but he has the coolest villain ever! an island made entirely out of kryptonite! now that's good filmmaking. other than that i agree with the list, though i would put the incredible hulk right above iron man.

Patty Girl said...

I agree, mostly. My list would go:
1,5,3,2,4,6,9,7,8. I would make Daredevil #10. That or Catwoman (girl power!)