Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Name it!

Dear, Internet

The other day I was putting the cover on my grill and I noticed this weird little bug that I have never seen before. I thought of googling for an answer, but I don't think I could just google "whats that weird bug on my bbq cover." If you know internet , please tell me, so I can sleep agian.
Love, your greatest fan, Noonan


Anonymous said...

Okay dude, you better be sending some props my way cuz I pretty sure I've found your bug. I'm near positive it's a stink bug. I did lots of searching and it was not easy but I'm sure your bug is within the first 25 pages of these pictures of stink bugs-http://bugguide.net/node/view/182/bgimage

Anonymous said...

Okay here are the pages that convinced me most.
or try this one.
http://bugguide.net/node/view/182/bgimage?from=456 Also page 17 looks like it might have your winning bug too. If you can get me some closer pictures and different angles, I'm sure I'll nail the identity of this mystery guest of yours.

Erik Dalzen said...

The bidding already started at $.99